2 tasty novels to supercharge your reading habits

I surprised myself this month with how much I could read.

I had the luck of falling upon two page-turners in a row... the first of which was 13 times the length of Great Gatsby. Over time I started to associate so much positive reward with my Kindle and the Kindle app on iPhone.

I ended up reading:

  • on the subway
  • waiting for friends at restaurants
  • while walking (not as hard as you think)
  • during meals
  • before bed (in bed)
  • after bed (on waking up)
  • during working hours (lol)
  • and in my free time

These novels can supercharge your reading habits too. Here they are:

  1. Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality
    1. I asked my friend Jorge for a book that changed his life and he recommended this work of fan fiction. It changed how he saw the world.
    2. The book is a ploy by the author to teach you about philosophy, rational thinking and the scientific method. And it's so entertaining!! My roommate and I both agreed the book wasn't long enough, despite its 660,000 words.
    3. In the book, Harry has been homeschooled in science and reason before he attends Hogwarts. He brings his scientific sensibilities to the wizarding world and it's hilarious and educational in spades.
  2. A Fine Balance
    1. Les Miserables but a pageturner set in 1970s India during the Emergency. Readable like the best of popular fiction, but also a cohesive whole (that makes you think) like a classic.
    2. "This may be the very best novel I have ever read. I will never, ever forget Ishvar, Omprakash, Dina, Rajaram, Shankar, Monkey-Man, Beggarman and Ashraf Cha-Cha." Said a Reddit user 8 days ago. Well put!!
    3. This book is going to be made into a movie soon
    4. Overall I absolutely adored this book and I can't express that enough. The setting and imagery of India, the brilliant and endearing characters, the portrayal of caste and poverty, the commentary on life, the commitment to "show don't tell", the genre changes between drama and thriller and slice-of-life — all incredible