how to curate a capsule wardrobe
I'm reading a book called the Curated Closet and it's great.
some steps I have read about so far:
- take an audit of what you actually wear - last 2 weeks, what did you wear? maybe take a picture of what you wore every day
- collect inspo - take all your sources put it into a pinterest board or smth
- take notes on your inspo/what you like. e.g. everything from I like denim jackets to I like shirts tucked in in this way, I like this kind of watch etc.
- go to stores etc. try on everything in your inspo and see what doesn't work / does work. modify things. de-escalate maybe you can't go full boho outfit, but you can have boho accessories
- compile a moodboard and summary of what you're going for. key pieces, statement pieces, basics.
- actually declutter your closet.
i'm on the collect inspo phase right now. i made a pinterest board and i'm noticing details i didn't before. it's really fun!
had to write this really quick but really recommend the book!!!
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