eyes are the window to the soul

It's always a little magical to lock eyes with someone.

Of course, locking eyes with your crush is especially nice.

But I appreciate meeting the gaze of everyone else as much or more. My brother, my parents. My roommates, my friends. My boss and my team. The cashier at the grocery store, that one friendly dude at the gym, litefeet dancers on the subway.

A friend told me once, "we are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience."

I feel that most when I look into someone's eyes.

In a moment of eye contact, I feel I can see the other person's spirit, and they can see mine.

No matter who it is, or how little time you have, you can create a moment of genuine connection if you just look into their eyes.

It's very special.

Because tell me, in this modern world, isn't the most precious resource our attention? Isn't the other most precious resource our time? To make eye contact with someone is to give them your time and attention, at least in that moment.

The simple act of sharing eye contact...

It's a joy :)

re-read while listening to this :)