H2 focuses 2023


  • Work
  • Meditation
  • Lifting


  • Dating
  • Learning Korean

Deprioritized (these will not be given OKR level focus for the next six months):

  • Dance
  • Public speaking
  • Conditioning / cardio
  • Yoga
  • Wardrobe makeover
  • Home makeover
  • Budgeting
  • Cooking
  • Socializing

I can work on these deprioritized items outside of my OKR efforts for fun though. I have a feeling I'll still do a home makeover and wardrobe makeover lol. I'll also still track budgeting, cooking, cardio, socializing somewhat in my health metrics.

I didn't feel the need to set OKRs for H2. I like this simple list of focuses, it feels lightweight. I did do a separate exercise to think about what success looks like, but I didn't want that set in stone.

In April, May, and June, I practiced setting and using monthly OKRs, and it was fantastic. In July through December, I want to continue monthly OKRs, and I want to stick to these H2 focuses (so monthly OKRs will ladder up to these focuses).

I want to remind myself here that more than any specific focus or OKR, what I'm pursuing is the ability to stick to things. In the past, the lack of that ability has been a source of shame for me. I don't think it's an absolute human need to have this ability, but I want it.