1 min read

lock in (and other life mantras)

lock in (and other life mantras)
Photo by Richard Clark / Unsplash

It isn't easy to be present.

But I found a fun way to refocus when you get distracted. It involves a phrase Gen Z has co-opted in the last couple years.

"Lock in."

  • I sit at my desk for work and I think "lock in."
  • I'm in a conversation and I zone out and I realize. I think "lock in."
  • I'm on a walk, I'm spiraling about something unpleasant, I see the blue sky and I think "lock in."

I realize the phrase gives hustle culture, but I really do find it helpful to get back to the present.

Anyway, my larger point is that mantras are helpful in life.

Mantras help you redirect your thinking in the right direction. Specifically, they have energy AND direction.

I think these to myself in my life:

Julian Shapiro takes this to the next level.

He writes life advice he's trying to internalize (6 quotes), writes them on a sticky, and sticks it to his monitor.

Here's his list:

  • You can be twice as rich by deciding you need half as much.
    —Sahil Lavingia
  • If you rethink this from scratch, what would this look like if it were easy?
    —Tim Ferriss
  • In a year from now, you will regret not having started today.
    —Karen Lamb
  • To suffer before it is necessary is to suffer more than is necessary.
  • Most hard work is a form of laziness. The real hard work is in finding a way to make it easy.
    —James Pierce
  • Does the amount of attention I’m giving this match its importance?
    —James Clear
  • Today instead of tomorrow. Moving fast compounds so much more than people realize.
    —Sam Altman

It's useful to have mantras like these!

I'm looking for more. Hit reply and send me a good mantra :)