2 min read

cut 1.67 hours off your sleep requirement (by taking a siesta)

cut 1.67 hours off your sleep requirement (by taking a siesta)
Photo by Wally Salinger / Unsplash

why sleep in multiple segments a day

Four Hour Body by Tim Ferriss

sleeping in one block vs. many

Four Hour Body by Tim Ferriss

the spectrum of sleep schedules

Same book. The siesta pattern seems the most practical.

Dr. Matthew Walker weighs in on the siesta...

Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker

Greeks abandon siestas. Result? Heart disease.

same book. truthfully I'm a little skeptical of this study (was the result causal?)

napping isn't easy. a kind stranger shares.


my conclusion

Heh I can definitely swing a 20 minute siesta since I work from home

I'm buoyed by the fact that my roommate has been doing this forever. He takes his nap on his lunch break ideally, but sometimes in the afternoon if he doesn't have meetings

Will a 20 minute siesta really make it so I only need 6 hours of sleep at night?

Not sure. But I can easily try this out and test it.