things i've enjoyed lately

good reminder:

TBM 215: Shallow vs. Deep Alignment
I originally posted this on LinkedIn a couple days ago. It is rare that I post something, and then repost on the newsletter, but I liked this short post. “We’re 100% aligned!” Oh really? “We finished our OKRs! We’re aligned!” Oh really? “The team agreed on action items!” Oh really?


How To Write The Great American Novel
How To Write The Great American NovelThere’s absolutely nothing wrong with the Great American Novel if your name is George R. R. Martin or Suzanne Collins. You guys are doing great; somebody give them genius grants. I had…


IWTL: How to throw things really accurately
by u/rkachowski in IWantToLearn


From the surgeon to the Spice Girl: how people in high-pressure jobs cope with stress
From Mishal Husain to Mel C and Henry Marsh, twelve high-powered people reveal how they manage