why i love libraries
Libraries are one of the few public places where you don’t have to spend any money. Today, most indoor places are about shopping. In a café, you need to buy a coffee to sit down. In a bookstore, it’s hard to stay there all day without feeling like you should buy something. But at the library, you can hang out and have fun without spending a cent. That’s really cool.
Libraries make reading feel lower stakes. First, the books are free, so you can try new ones without worrying if you’ll like them. And if you don’t enjoy a book, it’s okay—you didn’t waste any money. When I buy books, sometimes I feel like I have to read them just because I spent money on them months ago.
Second, libraries don’t push books on you. Online, I might read a book because a friend recommended it or an influencer said it was good. But at the library, the books I choose are all based on what I’m interested in. There’s no subtle external pressure, just fun and exploration.
I shift from "evaluative" mode to "curiosity" mode, where I'm open to the book instead of judging it right away.
Libraries help you find books that surprise you. Without algorithms or recommendations telling you what to read, the books you discover can feel more fresh and new. Again, even more important, when there’s no external influence, I switch from trying to carefully plan or judge my reads to being curious and open to whatever catches my eye. That’s where the magic happens.
Anyway, I just finished reading The Buddha Sat Right Here. I discovered it at the Williamsburg library and I'm so glad I did.