my 10 best guides from 2023 (and other top articles)

I wrote the most articles of my life this year!!

  • Blogged daily Feb 19-Sep 16
  • Blogged 2x per week starting Oct 7

Here's the best of it 🤗

my 10 best guides from 2023

These guides have hard information to help you live your best life.

  1. 7 simple ways to be as assertive as a New Yorker
  2. the most important "hack" to achieving your goals
  3. simple routine to fix sleep schedule
  4. how to fix your sleep schedule - a foolproof guide
  5. how to not procrastinate - 10 tips
  6. how to get radiant skin
  7. how to come alive in every moment
  8. your life is meaningful (how to see that)
  9. 13 secrets to work life balance (as a Product Manager)
  10. my todo system

articles with personal emotional significance

Man, I get nostalgic looking back at these. These mean the most to me personally.

  1. kdrama awards 2022
  2. perfect moments
  3. how to catch feelings in a mindful way
  5. bath 🛁
  6. freestyle poetry session 5.11.23
  7. a different dinension
  8. freestyle poetry session 5.15.23
  9. freestyle poetry session 5.17.23
  10. gongjin
  11. time does not stand still
  12. enjoy beauty, enjoy your life
  13. back to new york
  14. breaking point
  15. an intimate evening

and here's a few more honorable mentions!

blogging daily vs. blogging biweekly

I miss blogging daily tbh. It was more work, but I published more ideas and was also able to write more about my personal life (since individual posts felt more ephemeral).

Yet I appreciate blogging twice a week too. I'm able to put more effort into individual posts if I want. And when I put in that effort, I'm proud of the result and the result tends to be more evergreen (e.g. more guides).

Maybe I'll change the cadence of this newsletter in the future.

But for now, I'll stick to sending you all articles twice a week 🥳

anyway, happy new year everyone

expect more articles from me in 2024 🤗 see you then!!